5 Signs of a Bad Land Deal in Coos County

Purchasing the appropriate property at the right price and the right time is a considerably simpler undertaking overall than the ordinary commercial or residential investment.

However, it takes effort to avoid making a mistake from which you may never be able to recover your financial loss.

land for sale in Coos County, Oregon.

If you're thinking about investing in land for sale in Coos County, Oregon.

Consider these 5 signs of a bad land deal:

Feeling Pressured

It is a significant investment, so take your time to check that there are no unforeseen issues with the site, such as encroachment or pending zoning changes, that would prohibit you from carrying out your ideas.

Should someone put you under any pressure to hurry the process of investing in land or force you to sign a contract as soon as possible? It is the first sign.

Zoning Regulations

If the seller concentrates on raising your expectations and appears to want you to avoid learning about the property's zoning. The zoning is excessively restrictive, and the possibilities for the land are limited. They may be aware that your intended use for the land is not permitted.


You'll want to be aware of any issues that could derail your plans, such as low-lying floodplains or other unbuildable or inhospitable property.

You will want to take advantage of the perks accessible to today's real estate investor by checking the topography map online, which will instantly show you any signals of concern in the locality where the property is found.

Assessments and Taxes

Taxes, as you may have heard, are one of life's certainties. You could look at properties with exceptionally high property taxes or upcoming assessments for improvements that are causing many owners to sell.

Another symptom of a bad land sale is large amounts of taxes owed. It is something you should look into because it might break your purchase.


Lack of access to shared public utilities is also a red flag for a bad land deal. While you imagine where you'll put your new house on the site, be sure that your power, water, sewer, and any other services you want are available.


There is a lot at stake when you decide to make a land investment, both emotionally and mentally. On the one hand, you're delighted because you're about to become a landowner!

Allow our experience to help you and simplify the process. APXN Property will help you to find the best land; we are aware of these and other warning signs.


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